Page Element Declaration

Use $("css-selector") or browser.element("css-selector") to lazily declare a page element: groovy $("#element-id") groovy $(".label") groovy $("[data-test-id='my-id']") browser/finders-and-filters Read Finders And Filters to learn how to select elements using more advanced techniques. Read W3Schools CSS selectors to learn all kind of CSS selection techniques.

Lazy Element

When you use $("css-selector") you create an instance of PageElement . PageElement encapsulates actions that can be performed on a web page. It also represents values on a page. It is safe to declare PageElement before element is actually present on a page.WebTau will try to locate element only when you query or action on it: package scenarios.ui import static org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.WebTauGroovyDsl.* def welcomeMessage = $("#welcome") scenario("simple open") {"/search") welcomeMessage.should == "welcome to super search" }

Lazy Value

Consider a simple search page. Enter value, hit enter, see results: package scenarios.ui import static org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.WebTauGroovyDsl.* scenario('search by specific query') {'/search') $('#search-box').setValue('search this') $('#search-box').sendKeys("\n") $('#results .result').count.shouldBe > 1 } In the example $("#results .result").count represents the number of elements matching the css selector. Let's extract it. package scenarios.ui import static org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.WebTauGroovyDsl.* def searchBox = $("#search-box") def numberOfResults = searchBox.count scenario("search by specific query") {"/search") searchBox.setValue("search this") searchBox.sendKeys("\n") numberOfResults.shouldBe > 1 }