Default WebDriver Creation

By default, WebTau creates Selenium WebDriver by pointing to a local browser. WebTau also downloads a driver using WebDriver Manager.To handle scenarios where local browsers are not an option, WebTau provides an integration with Test Containers.

Explicit Selenium Test Containers

To support Test Containers explicitly, WebTau expose browser.setDriver to force a specific driver to use: @WebTau public class BrowserTestContainerJavaTest { private final PageElement box = $("#search-box"); private final PageElement results = $("#results .result"); private final PageElementValue<Integer> numberOfResults = results.count; private static BrowserWebDriverContainer<?> seleniumContainer; @BeforeAll public static void setupDriverUsingTestContainer() { step("preparing selenium test container", () -> { Testcontainers.exposeHostPorts(browser.getBaseUrlPort()); FirefoxOptions firefox = new FirefoxOptions(); seleniumContainer = new BrowserWebDriverContainer<>() .withCapabilities(firefox); seleniumContainer.start(); browser.setDriver(new RemoteWebDriver(seleniumContainer.getSeleniumAddress(), firefox)); }); } @AfterAll public static void shutdownContainer() { seleniumContainer.stop(); } @Test public void search() {"/search"); box.setValue("search this"); box.sendKeys(browser.keys.enter); numberOfResults.waitToBe(greaterThan(1)); } }

Implicit Selenium Test Container

WebTau provides an option to simplify running tests using both local and Test Containers based browser: browserId=firefox browserUrl=http://host.testcontainers.internal:8080 browserTestcontainersEnabled=true @WebTau public class BrowserImplicitTestContainerJavaTest { private final PageElement box = $("#search-box"); private final PageElement results = $("#results .result"); private final PageElementValue<Integer> numberOfResults = results.count; @Test public void search() {"/search"); box.setValue("search this"); box.sendKeys(browser.keys.enter); numberOfResults.waitToBe(greaterThan(1)); } } Read getting-started/configuration Configuration page to learn about how to override config values using different environments, system properties or environment variables.


By default, WebTau includes Test Containers into groovy-standalone-runner/introduction Groovy Runner and into single catch-all dependency Groovy <dependency> <groupId>org.testingisdocumenting.webtau</groupId> <artifactId>webtau-groovy</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> </dependency> Java <dependency> <groupId>org.testingisdocumenting.webtau</groupId> <artifactId>webtau</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> </dependency> If you cherry-pick WebTau dependencies, then you need to add this to your list: <dependency> <groupId>org.testingisdocumenting.webtau</groupId> <artifactId>webtau-browser-testcontainers</artifactId> <version>2.2</version> </dependency>