Match Every Value

Use anyValue matcher to match every expected value. Use it in places of complex data expectations where you need to provide a value but your focus is on different data. Groovy TableData summaryTable = loadFromCsv("summary.csv") summaryTable.should == ["ColumnA" | "ColumnB" ] { _________________________ 10| anyValue 30| 40 } Check matchers/import-and-dependencies Import And Dependencies for prerequisites. Java TableData summaryTable = loadFromCsv("summary.csv"); actual(summaryTable).should(equal(table("ColumnA", "ColumnB", ____________________, 10, anyValue, 30, 40))); Check matchers/import-and-dependencies Import And Dependencies for prerequisites. . [value] equals ColumnA │ ColumnB 10 │ <any value> 30 │ 40 (1ms)