
Fix: report light theme HTTP response match color


Doc: document servers/introduction Servers Wrap deletion of all utilities/file-system temp files in a parent step Doc: document report report/steps step and trace core methods Move report tests status filter to the top and put theme switching to the bottom in its place Add trace core method to report values to console and web report Report color theme toggle and auto OS dark/light detection Improved code snippet rendering in web report Check element presence before browser/element-actions-reference#scrolling scroll to provide better error message Add utilities/cache#presence-check cache exists method Fix: cli/foreground-command CLI run working dir matches config working dir if none specified for the process Fix: remove internal info of cli/foreground-command CLI run from web report Fix: servers/static-server static content server capture of browser page request Fix: remove call to open api schema end-point at the end of tests if no http calls were performed during tests Fix: missing files message to use only path but not container id Fix: report step with 0ms now shows elapsed time Fix: utilities/file-system waiting for non-existing file content is not throwing error anymore Fix: jansi Mac M1 exception Fix: report key-value color contrast Fix: report extra scroll bar on overall summary screen


Fix: report extra scroll bar on test summary screen


Fix: HTTP JSON fullscreen payload alignment and colors Fix: proxy server captures request and response now Fix: string compare to handler show proper caret position of a change in case of not equal Fix: Report summary vertical scroll preserves tab selection at the top Doc: document cli background command cli/background-command#wait-timeout wait timeout report steps render step output information Add utilities/cache cache stored values validation and conversion to Path static server serves from symlink by resolving it first Add fs.zip command to utilities/file-system#archive zip files Add cli.runInBackground overload with config only parameter Add Servers section to a test data to display requests/responses that internal servers handled Add "generated by" section to test report summary page Ability to specify report name and optional associated URL Improvements on http call details page: proper vertical scroll and layout changes Web report card lists style change to make grouping more distinct and combined with title Changed web report to use dark theme


Fix: configuration/groovy-config-file groovy config parsing of empty lists and simple variables reference within config


Doc: Fix persona/introduction Persona Intro example snippets Doc: Add configuration/groovy-config-file Groovy Config complex objects, persona and overrides examples Doc: Add persona/HTTP-persona Persona HTTP authorization example Doc: Add persona/introduction Persona documentation Doc: combined "files upload" and "PDF" section under HTTP/files . Edited text. Parse Groovy config files using new internal DSL instead of GroovyConfig to better support Persona Add persona specific cliEnv config value to set persona/CLI-persona persona's common CLI environment variables Add java.time.Instant and String compareTo handler rule Add cliEnv config value to set common environment variables for cli/foreground-command#common-environment-variables cli.run and cli/background-command#common-environment-variables cli.runInBackground Server journal capture request body and response body Server support for other than application/json content type responses Implemented markBroken on static, proxy and fake servers Added overrides and slow down to static server Ignore groovy-standalone-runner/selective-run#sscenario single scenario and groovy-standalone-runner/skipping-tests#unconditionally-skipping-tests disabled scenario in REPL/test-runs REPL mode Add server router fluent syntax Add server router definition support for :param syntax Add server journal to track or wait on handled calls Handle router overrides in proxy server Server router - collection of overrides that can be set up and re-used for multiple servers Server implements autocloseable for try-with-resources Server route parameters based fake setup Initial fake server support Add config info to web report for cli/foreground-command#working-dir cli.run and cli/background-command#working-dir cli.rinInBackground Add config info to step output for cli/foreground-command#working-dir cli.run and cli/background-command#working-dir cli.rinInBackground Fix: cli/foreground-command#run-result cli.run results are properly returned when validation block is present Fix: browser screenshot on failure is displayed again in the generated report Fix: cli/foreground-command#run cli.run now captures output in case of timeout


httpProxy via config stop all servers is a separate logged step REPL beforeAll , afterAll commands to trigger setup and teardown on demand cli.run local cli/foreground-command#timeout timeout override step accepts map as params for additional reporting utilities/file-system#file-content replace text content by regexp capture open api warnings in web report db data source creation is a reported step web report support for step key-value input add PageElement.all() to disambiguate element.should contain for browser assertions web report section with env vars Add browser browser/element-actions-reference#scrolling scroll actions Fix: cli/introduction cli.run quoted params handling


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