
Fix: matchers/contain-exactly containExactly in HTTP/introduction HTTP correctly marks passed and failed nodes in the output Doc: matchers/introduction#failure-output Matchers Introduction failure example output fix Doc: http HTTP/matchers#contain-exactly containExactly matcher example Doc: file-system/introduction File System is a separate chapter now Doc: matchers/introduction Matchers examples better way to display console output Add: browser/introduction browser .sendKeys to send keys to the window instead of a specific element Add: More details when matchers/contain-exactly containExactly mismatching a single element Add: additional details on failed messages for throwException matcher Add: fullAssertionError to force AssertionError to include the full step information. Convenient when using CI and depend on its reporting. Add: report/steps WebTau steps include exception name to help with cases when no exception message is present Add: Browser support using new headless mode Add: Browser support upgrade Selenium to 4.18 Add: speedup matchers/contain-exactly containExactly by pre-caching compare to handler Add: Reduce unnecessary CompareToComparator results lists creation Add: Optimize matchers/introduction matchers message generation to improve large set of data comparison Add: File Content file-system/file-content#wait-for-content wait to change Add: Browser page element browser/asynchronous-page#wait-to-change wait to change Add: Extra message in case of two empty maps and shouldNot equal Add: matchers/value-change#value-matcher change value matcher