
To generate custom reports or upload report data to your server, specify a reportGenerator config property. url = "http://localhost:8080" reportGenerator = Report.&generateReport Where Report.&generateReport is implemented as following package import org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.console.ConsoleOutputs import org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.console.ansi.Color import org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.reporter.WebTauReport import static org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.WebTauDsl.cfg class Report { static void generateReport(WebTauReport report) { def reportPath = cfg.workingDir.resolve('report.txt') ConsoleOutputs.out('generating report: ', Color.PURPLE, reportPath) reportPath.toFile().text = report.tests.size() } }

GraphQL Example

Head over to GraphQL/report GraphQL to take a look at custom report to capture additional metrics