WebTau server module lets you create and control static, fake and proxy servers:Static servers to quickly host HTML, JSON, and similar content Fake servers to control response based request Proxy servers to simulate outages and record interactions for failures investigation def myServer = server.serve("my-server", "data/staticcontent") def router = server.router() .get("/hello/:name") { request -> server.response([message: "hello ${request.param("name")}"]) } .get("/bye/:name") { request -> server.response([message: "bye ${request.param("name")}"]) } def proxyServer = server.proxy("test-proxy-server", targetServer.baseUrl) You can apply overrides to any created server. You can also put servers into a "bad" state. proxyServer.markUnresponsive() def router = server.router() .get("/hello/:name") {request -> server.response([message: "hello ${request.param("name")}"]) } myServer.addOverride(router)