Follow the Order

The best documentation should be arranged with a natural order to follow. Links to navigate to the next page are at the end of each page.Create links to remind users of essential concepts introduced previously. There is a good chance that a reader skipped over these or forgot about them.Avoid: links that navigate users forward. It may break the flow of a documentation.


To create an external link use: markdown [Link Title](http://external/reference) To refer internal page within your documentation use: markdown [internal link](../dir-name/ [internal link](./ [internal link](dir-name/file-name#optional-page-section-id) Note: you can get page-section-id by hovering over a section title and pressing link icon. Your browser URL display the updated link. Links to Subsection Linking to subsections is the same as linking to a top level section. ../flow/ Here is an example markdown [Here is an example](../flow/ [Here is an example](flow/page-references#links-links-to-subsection) Use #links Subsection Shortcut if a subsection is within the same page: markdown [Subsection Shortcut](#links) Index Page Clicking this / index page link will have the same effect as clicking the documentation title at the top of the Navigation PanelTo refer back to the top-level index page use: markdown [index page](/) [index page](/#link-to-subsection)


Linking to a local file will deploy the file along with the generated documentation. Clicking the link will open a file using the browser's default method. Download [test json file](data/test.json) Download data/test.json test json file


Local links are automatically validated during documentation build time. You will get a build time error if you refer to a page or a section/sub-section that does not exist.Pass --validate-external-links to enable external links validation.