Screenshots And Annotations

In visuals/image-annotations Image Annotations you can specify annotations in an external file.Using a testing framework one can generate coordinates during a UI test based on elements' placement. Here is an example of using WebTau testing framework to capture a screenshot and annotations package webtauexamples import static org.testingisdocumenting.webtau.WebTauGroovyDsl.* def homeSearchInput = $('input[id*="search"]') def resultSearchInput = $("#search_form_input") def result = $('article[data-testid="result"]') scenario("capture screenshot") {"") homeSearchInput.waitToBe visible homeSearchInput.setValue("testing is documenting") homeSearchInput.sendKeys(browser.keys.enter) result.waitTo visible browser.doc.withAnnotations(resultSearchInput, result) .capture("duckduckgo-search") } markdown 1. Type question you want to be answered anonymously 2. Scan through results and pick the most relevant one :include-image: doc-artifacts/duckduckgo-search.png {annotate: true} Type question you want to be answered anonymously Scan through results and pick the most relevant one