Standard Markdown

An image can be included using standard Markdown syntax. markdown ![alt text](regular-image.png) null regular-image.png alt text markdown ![alt text](castle.jpg "custom title") custom title castle.jpg alt text


Znai has include-image extension to provide additional features:annotations fit scale alignment border presentation mode


Use title to add a title to an image. :include-image: castle.jpg {title: "beautiful castle"}


When you specify a title, hover mouse over it to see a clickable anchor.Use anchorId to override auto generated identifier. :include-image: castle.jpg {title: "beautiful castle", anchorId: "castle-image"}


Use border: true to include a border around image. :include-image: image.png {border: true}


By default image occupies all available horizontal space:Use fit parameter to fit an image to the text column width. :include-image: books.jpg {fit: true} Note: You can click on the scaled down images to display it full screen


To scale image up or down use scale option, 1 is default, 0.5 is half an image size. :include-image: books.jpg {scale: 0.3} Note: You can click on the scaled down images to display it full screen


Use align option to align images left or right. :include-image: books.jpg {align: "left", scale: 0.3} :include-image: books.jpg {align: "right", scale: 0.3}


Use collapsed: true|false to make image collapsible. Note: title option is required markdown :include-image: books.jpg { fit: true, title: "books", anchorId: "my-books", collapsed: true }

No Gap

Use noGap: true to remove top/bottom margins when there are multiple images in a row. markdown :include-image: books.jpg { fit: true, title: "books", collapsed: true, noGap: true } :include-image: castle.jpg { fit: true, title: "castle", collapsed: false }

External Image

Pass external url in place of image to render image from a remote site ![text](https://external-url) :include-image: https://external-url { align: "left" } Note: Pass parameter to validate image urls

Mobile And Desktop Only

Use mobileOnly to only render an image in mobile screen size. Use desktopOnly to only render an image in desktop screen size. :include-image: small-book.png {title: "only visible in mobile screen size", mobileOnly: true} :include-image: books.jpg {title: "only visible in desktop screen size", desktopOnly: true, fit: true}