Feather Icons

Znai has integration with https://feathericons.com/ Feather Icons. Icons can be included using the inlined code plugin. `:icon: cloud` The result will appear in-lined in the current text Head over to https://feathericons.com/ https://feathericons.com/ to find the icon id.

Bullet Points

Icons can also be used as bullet points replacement: * `:icon: time` Time is important * `:icon: settings` Setup must be easy Time is important Setup must be easy


Stroke Use stroke parameter to set outline color. * `:icon: time {stroke: 'green'}` stroke: `green` * `:icon: cloud {stroke: 'blue'}` stroke: `blue` * `:icon: settings {stroke: 'yellow'}` stroke: `yellow` * `:icon: x-octagon {stroke: 'red'}` stroke: `red` stroke: green stroke: blue stroke: yellow stroke: red Fill Use stroke parameter to set fill color. fill: red fill: red , stroke: 'black' Note: default stroke color is a text color, which may not look good in Dark theme. Use black color explicitly if you want the stroke color to be black in both Light and Dark themes.

Inside Tables

Znai provides a shortcut to use icons inside layout/tables Tables. Feature Name, V1, V2 featureA, +, + featureB, -, + +, `:icon: check {stroke: "green"}` -, `:icon: slash {stroke: "red"}` :include-table: table.csv {mappingPath: "mapping.csv"} Feature Name V1 V2 featureA `:icon: check {stroke: "green"}` `:icon: check {stroke: "green"}` featureB `:icon: slash {stroke: "red"}` `:icon: check {stroke: "green"}`