Use plugin to embed py doc string with markdown into documentation Znai uses Pandas style doc string to parse description and parameters Note Plugin ignores parameters block and only includes the description text Check next section to see how to include parameters include python doc my_var a variable def my_func p1 p2 text inside my *func* doc * list one * list two Parameters p1 String parameter one description p2 String parameter two description return 2 2 class Animal animal top level class doc string ``` code block ``` def says self animal **talks** `code` print hello include python doc python example py entry my_func text inside my *func* doc * list one * list two include python doc python example py entry Animal animal top level class doc string ``` code block ``` include python doc python example py entry Animal says animal **talks** `code`
Use plugin to render parameters extracted from pydoc text Note read more about API parameters for additional properties include python doc params def my_func label price text inside my *func* doc * list one * list two Parameters label str label to use to *render* item in the store price fin money Money price associated with the **item** Returns str status of the operation `OK` for good return OK include python doc params python pydoc params py entry my_func title result and parameters text inside my *func* doc * list one * list two Parameters label str label to use to *render* item in the store price fin money Money price associated with the **item** Returns str status of the operation `OK` for good
If you define Type Hints you can omit types from PyDoc text and Znai will take the types from the signature import fin def my_func label str price fin money Money > str text inside my *func* doc * list one * list two Parameters label label to use to *render* item in the store price price associated with the **item** Returns status of the operation `OK` for good return OK include python doc params python pydoc params type hints py entry my_func title result and parameters text inside my *func* doc * list one * list two Parameters label label to use to *render* item in the store price price associated with the **item** Returns status of the operation `OK` for good