Auto Formatting

Use fence block to render auto formatted json and use extra capabilities described below Use include plugin to read json from an external file json ```json key1 value1 key2 value2 ``` json key1 value1 key2 value2 include json simple json

Highlight Values By Path

Use the parameter to highlight an individual value Pass multiple values to to highlight more than one leaf value Comma separated paths specified inside will be highlighted ```json highlightValue root 1 key2 key1 value1 key2 value2 ``` include json book store json highlightValue root store book 0 category root store book 2 category

Highlight Values By Path From File

Use to specify a file with paths to highlight values include json book store json highlightValueFile book store paths json

Highlight Keys By Path

Use the parameter to highlight keys ```json highlightKey root 1 key2 key1 value11 value12 key2 value21 value22 ```

Highlight Keys By Path From File

Use to specify a file with paths to highlight keys include json book store json highlightKeyFile book store paths json

Json Subparts

To include only a portion of your document pass Json Path as property include json book store json include $ book 0 1

Enclose In Object

Use to wrap any JSON and include result into parent object s include json book store json encloseInObject books rare include $ book 0 1


Use parameter to specify a snippet title Use to automatically set title to specified file name title include json book store json include $ book 0 1 title Books autoTitle true include json book store json include $ book 0 1 autoTitle true


When you specify a title hover mouse over it to see a clickable anchor Use to override auto generated identifier anchorId include json book store json include $ book 0 1 title Books anchorId my books

Read More

Use to show only first lines of Optional can be specified to set the initial number of lines to display readMore JSON readMoreVisibleLines include json book store json readMore true readMoreVisibleLines 5

Hidden Parts

To hide sub parts of your use property JSON collapsedPaths include json book store json collapsedPaths root store book


To highlight a specific value using in similar fashion to regular code snippets you can highlight a line by text matching or by providing a line index JSON paths include json book store json highlight category 2

Code References

You can turn parts of into links to internal or external pages JSON include json trader json title trader referencesPath references json references demo csv trader example references domain#trader transaction example references domain#transaction


Use parameter to attach bullet points with explanation to a json path callouts include json book store json collapsedPaths root store book callouts root store bicycle color subject of **availability** root store bicycle price *price* changes daily

Callouts From File

Use parameter to read callouts from a separate file Can reduce duplication and allows to generate callouts at runtime CSV format is also supported calloutsFile include json book store json collapsedPaths root store book calloutsFile schema notes json root store bicycle color subject of **availability** root store bicycle price *price* changes daily root store bicycle color subject of **availability** root store bicycle price *price* changes daily

Test Results

Below is an example of using WebTau testing framework to make an HTTP call extract JSON response and information about asserted fields to highlight http get weather temperature shouldBe < 100 http doc capture weather example captures multiple test artifacts into separate files request response json url txt paths json validated paths http doc capture include json weather example response json title weather response example highlightValueFile weather example paths json

Incomplete JSON

All the features above require fully formed JSON If you need only syntax highlighting use include file plugin include file incomplete json config