Operation By Method And Path

If you have a file with an Open API definition a k a a Swagger file you can render it by a given and or by Both and formats are supported Let s consider Uber s API definition as an example Responses 200 default Note descriptions are treated as Markdown using the CommonMark specification method path operationId yaml json include open api open api uber json method get path estimates time

Operation By ID

Let s take a pet store example Use to include operation definition by ID Request Responses 200 400 404 405 operationId include open api petstore openapi3 json operationId updatePet

Add a new pet to the store

Use the property to automatically generate a page section with a title taken from an operation summary Note The section below is automatically generated by Request Responses 200 405 autoSection include open api petstore openapi3 json operationId addPet autoSection true include open api

Time Estimates

Specify to automatically generate multiple entries from a service definition file Note The sections below are automatically generated by Responses 200 default Responses 200 default tags include open api open api uber yaml tags Estimates autoSection true include open api

Two Sides Layout

Znai supports Two Sides Layout mode that is perfect to supplement API documentation with examples column Open API example